Rid yourself of the notion that a flying or buzzing bee is exclusively out to sting you. Bees don’t sting unless they feel threatened. Things to do if you encounter a bee/beehive:

– If a bee flies into you, leave immediately. You are considered a danger to the bee

– Do not swat at them or make fast movements, move slowly around them. Bees may go on the defensive if you swat at them.

– Walk away from the area slowly if you are too close to a hive. In the instance that you have actually disturbed a hive and the bees are on the defensive, protect your face with your hands and exit the area immediately. Find shelter if possible in a closed vehicle or building.

– If you get stung, remove the stinger immediately to reduce the amount of venom that is injected into the skin. Muscles in the detached stinger remain active and will drive the stinger further into the skin and also pump in more venom. Remove the stinger by scraping or plucking it out. Apply appropriate pain medication. Watch carefully for any adverse reactions.
After getting stung there is usually local pain and swelling at the site for a day or two. For persons who are more sensitive the reaction may involve extensive redness/rash or swelling over an area. With the most severe reactions, breathing may become difficult, and the person may become weak. This is a medical EMERGENCY and urgent treatment should be sought!